Graduated faculty of journalism at Warsaw University, specialized in Reportage Laboratory. His master thesis on Georgian media landscape was reviewed as pioneering the topic in Poland. Jakub combines new technologies with journalism, blogging, government accountability and transparency. He established Outriders to bridge cultures and societies by original reporting and providing global perspective through innovative storytelling.
As a COO and board member of ePaństwo Foundation he developed it into leading open data/transpareny NGO globally. During six years he established Code for Poland and took it into Code for All together with Code for America. Open Cities - program helping European cities adopt open data policies as well as Personal Democracy Forum in CEE and TransparenCEE. He remains a strong ambassador of Central Eastern Europe.
Jakub is a 2014 New Europe Challenger (first round) for “for being model e-citizen” and “poster boy for civic engagement and transparent governance”. Later on named one of the 28 most innovative Poles by Puls Biznesu.
At Sourcefabric Jakub supported media in Turkey, Yemen, Georgia and Ghana. Helping them with open source software developed by Sourcefabric and additional training.
With his wife Anna they established leading Polish travel and report blog as well as Festival Wachlarz. For their activities they received nomination to National Geographic Traveler award. They specialize in theme based reporting travel projects.
Experiments with new technologies before they are cool. He created first online video live show in Poland. For his work with drones “Duży Format” (reporters’ magazine) called him “visionary”.