Museologist, anthropologist and researcher, a doctoral student in the Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Department of the Jagiellonian University, director of the Open Culture Studio in the Digital Centre, co-creator of the Museum Laboratory initiative and the “Kierunek zwiedzania” (“Exhibition continues this way”) research group. Ms Janus is interested in the social role of cultural institutions and their relationships with their audiences, and specialises in analysis and implementation of participatory strategies; audience research; opening up access to resources; and creating innovative mechanisms. She has lectured at the Jagiellonian University, the University of Warsaw, SWPS University and the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology. Ms Janus works closely with the International Council of Museums’ collections committee (COMCOL), the Jagiellonian University’s Centre for Research on Cultures of Memory and the Reinwardt Academie in Amsterdam. She researches the audiences of cultural institutions, specialising in examining the experiences of museum-goers. She works with institutions that are looking for effective ways to engage the public through technology.